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Writer's pictureSilgo86

Visit this weekend from California Arts Council Director

This weekend, the new California Arts Council director is making rounds to get to know organizations in Kings County. He will visit Corcoran, the Kings Art Center, and Hanford Multicultural Theater Company at our new place on Douty, which we call the Lil’ Brick Theater.

This interest in our county is not new. In 2016, I asked the Fresno Arts Council director for advice on how to start a theater company in Hanford. This question was met with jubilation. FAC director was also on the CAC board.

To our delight, we can show the new CAC president our new location. The lease was signed in December, and we turned a legendary dry cleaners space into a theater space. There is a three-quarter stage, which means the audience can sit on three sides of the stage, a sound and light booth. Many have remarked that the look of this theater is similar to spots they have seen in bigger cities.

We named the space Lil’ Brick Theater for the mid portion which we converted into a theater. It has brick walls on all sides. To improve sound quality we put thick black curtains against three walls. The wall towards the north side has the legendary brick exposed. For stand-up shows and acting classes, this classic look is optimal. For future plays, we would add the curtains against that north brick wall.

Lil’ Brick Theater, transformed from a dry cleaners space, has a lobby space, conference room, office, theater, storage area, and a ‘green room’ for performers to relax in. We our delighted for the space and the opportunity to show the director of the California Arts Council how we progressed with their supportive acts.

We encourage others to see our space. We have Bob Fernandez headlining the next stand-up Comedy show on March 18. You can purchase advanced tickets on our website at Online tickets are $15 and at the door tickets are $20. Two shows to select from. Come to either the 6pm show or the 8:30pm show. See you there.


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