HMTC This Week – Frida Kahlo at Hanford Dia de Los Muertos
On November 2 at 4pm Hanford Multicultural Theater hosts the Hanford Dia de Los Muertos event. A big treat for me is to costume skeletons to form them into Catrinas. Catrinas has become the symbol for this event when the Mexican painter Diego Rivera included it in a painting in the 1940’s.
Each year there are new Catrinas added. This year one of the Catrinas added is Frida Kahlo. You may be familiar with the unibrow painter Frida Kahlo. She accentuated that unibrow in her self-portraits. She is one of Mexico’s famous artists. According to Jennifer Ammann in her article Behind the Unibrow: A Short Biography of Frida Kahlo, she states that Frida’s unibrow was shorthand for: “I won’t curb my self-expression to meet your expectations of how a woman should look.” She is also viewed as an icon for the feminist movement.
This year’s event will be at the Hanford Mall. Two storefronts, and the food court have been set aside for Hanford Dia de Los Muertos community event. The storefront across from Don Roberto Jeweler and Ross for Less, will have a dozen Catrinas. Also in that storefront, altars made from community members to honor family members who have passed.
At the north wing, closer to Kohl’s, a storefront will have the Wall of Remembrance, where people can recognize their loved ones by writing their name on a paper sugar skull to place on a wall. That room will also have vendors who will have art, Mexican flavor articles, a face painter, and more.
This is a fun event and all our encouraged to dress in Dia de Los Muertos theme. An event for everyone of all ages.