This 2022 year has been a race to catch up. There was so much we wanted to do in 2020 and 2021 that couldn’t get done because of the pandemic woes. However, this year we caught up with play readings, open mic poetry night, puppet shows, standup comedy shows, a writer's workshop, and acting classes for kids and adults. In fact, to our advantage we became a member of the CMAC which is the community media access collaborative.
So, what is in store for 2023? We have a number of members that are interested in film and commercial work. We have included audition practice for getting work in those fields during our 2022 year. Some members are now ready to prepare a reel.
What is a reel? It’s like an actor resume on film or an actor demo. An actor demo reel is a compilation of the actor’s on-screen work. It highlights in clips the actor’s best performances. Like a ‘trailer,’ A trailer that is under two minutes long and gives a good look on what the actor is all about.
HMTC is toying with making the first part of the 2023 year a concentration of film and t.v. With our new ability to use a media-tv studio, and our acquisition of film cameras, we are excited to begin that process.
In fact, film is a natural transition for actors that perform on stage. What is an actor gift is to transition from each arena flawlessly. The way to do that is to do both film and stage as much as possible concurrently.
HMTC has added film to the mix of our programming and already we have three projects. It will be a lot of fun and we encourage those who want to be a part to go to our website and register. We are open to all that are interested. The website is