Last year at our new theater space we hosted three stand-up comedy shows. Two other shows were rentals from Bakersfield and Visalia, so I am not talking about them in this article.
A change we did for standup comedy this year is to coordinate it ourselves. Last year we had an out of town coordinator that was connected to a stream of standup comics. We were secure that we would get standup comics for our shows. However, a few standup comic’s subject matter and use of language were dubious. Frankly, the juxtaposition made us uncomfortable for we taught kids in the day. So we thought this over and now Scott Yarbrough and I personally scout comedians.
A month ago I attended Misfits Live Comedy in Paso Robles. The manager of Misfits introduced me to the headliner and told him to do a great show for I was scouting comedians. I immediately texted Scott and told him how I was introduced to the comedian. He texted back, “We ARE scouts.” Well, the headliner did a great show and I do want to book him.
Bob Fernandez will be our comedian for our first show of the year on March 16 at 7:30pm. Also new we have resurrected Udderly Improv group who will do a quick improv show to get things started for the evening. That makes it a great night of laughter.
As always, tickets are available on our website at or at the door. Food from Keanu Hawaiian BBQ and a partial bar will be available.